Taclo hiliaeth yn y Clwb

The Tackling Racism in the Clubhouse Webinar is hosted by Show Racism the Red Card.

This webinar will help you understand the following learning objectives:

  • Deall hiliaeth a'r materion sy'n ymwneud ag ef
  • Dysgwch sut i herio digwyddiadau hiliol
  • Deall sut i gefnogi dioddefwyr ac addysgu cyflawnwyr
  • Ystyriwch derminoleg dderbyniol ac annerbyniol - efallai terminoleg chi'n clywed yn eich clwb
  • Ystyriwch pa elfennau o'r dysgu all gael eu cynnwys yng nghynllun EDI eich clwb
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About Show Racism the Red Card


Show Racism the Red Card is the UK’s largest anti-racism educational charity. Established in 1996, thanks in part to a donation by former Newcastle United goalkeeper, Shaka Hislop.

Across the UK, SRtRC provides educational sessions to more than 50,000 individuals per year, with the aim to challenge misconceptions, stereotypes and negative attitudes in society.