Dysgu WRU
Croeso i Dysgu WRU, sydd wedi’i ddatblygu i ddarparu cynnig addysg rithwir bwrpasol ar gyfer holl Glybiau Rygbi Cymru, er mwyn sicrhau y gall clybiau ffynnu.
Drwy gydol y flwyddyn cewch gyfle i gael mynediad at seminarau rhithiol AM DDIM a ddarperir gan arbenigwyr yn y diwydiant, ar draws amrywiaeth eang o bynciau.
Mae croeso i unrhyw aelod o’ch clwb fynychu ac rydym wedi awgrymu’r math o rolau o fewn y sesiynau ar-lein y byddai’r sesiynau yn fuddiol ar eu cyfer.
Rhowch wybod i ni drwy gyfryngau cymdeithasol os ydych chi wedi cofrestru ac wedi gweld eu bod yn fuddiol.
Gobeithiwn y byddwch yn mwynhau'r sesiynau ac os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau pellach am unrhyw faterion sy'n ymwneud â datblygiad gyda'ch clwb, anfonwch e-bost clubdevelopment@wru.wales where one of the team will get in touch to discuss further.
@WRU_Community #DysguWRU
Upcoming Webinars
An introduction to PAPYRUS and suicide prevention
Date: 5 March 2025 @ 6 pm
Hosted by Papyrus
This webinar aims to increase awareness of suicide and suicide prevention by equipping participants with essential knowledge and practical strategies. Delivered in collaboration with PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide, the course emphasizes the development of hope and proactive steps towards building a suicide-safer community. Additionally, the training highlights the critical importance of self-care, encouraging participants to recognize and prioritize their mental well-being as part of a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention.
Perfect for:
- Pwyllgor
- Hyfforddwyr
- Rhieni
- First Aiders
- Safeguarding Officers
- First Aiders
- All Volunteers
Available Webinar recordings
Welcome more disabled people to your club
Cynhelir gan: dangos y cerdyn coch i hiliaeth Access Able
This webinar will equip participants with practical strategies to make their sports club more accessible and inclusive for disabled people.
WRU Stay Onside Webinar
Cynhelir gan: dangos y cerdyn coch i hiliaeth Lyndsey Chaplin
This webinar will focus on how to ‘Stay Onside’ in Rugby. Topics include Anti-Doping, testing procedures, risk mitigation, betting and anti-corruption, discipline expectations, and upholding the WRU values. Attendees will gain practical insights to navigate these important aspects of rugby.
Cut Your Energy Bills and Run a Green Sustainable Rugby Club
Cynhelir gan: dangos y cerdyn coch i hiliaeth The Ethical Property Foundation
This webinar aims to guide participants in improving their charity’s energy performance through cost-effective measures, stakeholder engagement, and compliance with energy efficiency standards for lasting success.
Howden – Your new Insurers
Cynhelir gan: dangos y cerdyn coch i hiliaeth Howden Insurance
The aim of this webinar is to increase awareness and understanding of how to find the WRU Insurance portal and the key information that it includes.
Medical Awareness with John Miles
Cynhelir gan: dangos y cerdyn coch i hiliaeth John Miles
The aim of this webinar is to increase awareness to all stakeholders within the game, as to best practice regarding medical facilities, equipment and education for medical volunteers.
WRU Community Welfare with Lloyd Ashley
Cynhelir gan: dangos y cerdyn coch i hiliaeth LLoyd Ashley
The aim of this webinar is for attendees to understand the importance of looking after themselves mentally and physically.
Living Well with Lloyd Ashley provides a wide range of mental health services that could be tailored to suit your club or team.
WRU Community- Welfare with Speakeasy CLub
Cynhelir gan: dangos y cerdyn coch i hiliaeth Speakeasy Club
The aim of this webinar is to educate, empower and inspire community rugby clubs and their volunteers to create environments where people feel safe to be curious, to talk openly and feel supported without judgement.
Welcome to your new Season
Cynhelir gan: dangos y cerdyn coch i hiliaeth WRU
This webinar was created to welcome all WRU Community clubs to the new season. It’s a chance for us to go through some of the vital information you need for Season 24/25 and to answer any questions that you may have.
Padel Development in Partnership with Tennis Wales
Cynhelir gan: dangos y cerdyn coch i hiliaeth Tennis Wales
This session focuses on facility development, in particular for clubs that have excess space, with the potential to develop Padel courts and increase income.
- Pwyllgor
- Facility Development
- Operational Management
- Membership Team
Taclo hiliaeth yn y Clwb
Cynhelir gan: dangos y cerdyn coch i hiliaeth Show Racism the Red Card
Wedi'i gynllunio i wneud eich camp yn fwy teg a chynhwysol. Bydd y weminar hon yn rhoi'r hyder i chi i herio ymddygiad hiliol pan fyddwch chi'n dod ar ei draws.
- Pwyllgor
- Pob gweithlu
- Hyfforddwyr
- Chwaraewyr
- Rhieni
Ymgysylltu â Chymunedau Amrywiol
Cynhelir gan: No Bordaries Training and Consultancy - Sunil Patel
Learn how your club can engage with a range of diverse audiences by taking some simple, but important steps. Understand how you can better build relationships with your local diverse communities and bring them into your rugby community.
- Pwyllgor
- Pob gweithlu
- Hyfforddwyr
- Chwaraewyr
- Rhieni
Introduction to VAT
Cynhelir gan: dangos y cerdyn coch i hiliaeth Centurion
The session offers a grounding in the basic VAT rules that need to be considered whether your club is currently VAT registered or not. This session is a useful refresher for those who have experience in the tax, or those who are looking to gain an insight into the topic.
- Pwyllgor ac Arweinyddiaeth
- Finance Team
How to Make your Clubhouse More Welcoming to Women and Girls
Cynhelir gan: dangos y cerdyn coch i hiliaeth Women in sport
Designed to make your clubhouse a fairer and more inclusive space. This webinar will focus on defining what discrimination and misogyny is, we’ll consider the negative impact it can have on clubhouses and rugby environments and how we can make a positive change in this area to ensure that your clubhouse is more welcoming to Women and Girls.
- Pwyllgor
- Pob gweithlu
- Hyfforddwyr
- Chwaraewyr
- Rhieni
Hyrwyddo Urddas Cyfnod mewn Chwaraeon
Cynhelir gan: dangos y cerdyn coch i hiliaeth WUKA
Learn more about how the stigma that exists around periods has a negative effect on women & girls, and how to overcome this. Consider the logistical steps you can take to make your clubhouse more period positive, ensuring you have the right equipment and messaging before looking at grants that might be available to you.
- Pwyllgor ac Arweinyddiaeth
- Cydlynwyr gwirfoddolwyr
- Staff allgymorth
- Rheolwyr Cyfleusterau
- Men & Women
Helping you with GDPR and Data Protection compliance
Cynhelir gan: dangos y cerdyn coch i hiliaeth Information Comissioner’s Office
This session is an opportunity to develop your understanding of Data Protection and help identify steps that your club may need to take to ensure they’re handling people’s data correctly and complying with the law.
- Club Committee
- Board Members
Llywodraethu Da yn eich Clwb
Cynhelir gan: dangos y cerdyn coch i hiliaeth Sport and Recreation Alliance
Enrolling on this webinar will help you understand what good governance standards are , as well as the legal duties, roles, and responsibilities of different members within a rugby club.
- Pwyllgor ac Arweinyddiaeth
Creu Cynllun Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant yn eich Clwb
Cynhelir gan: Sy Joshua
Bydd y sesiwn hon yn dod â phopeth rydych chi wedi'i ddysgu yn y gweminarau blaenorol ynghyd ac yn siarad â chi am sut y gallwch chi ddefnyddio'r wybodaeth hon i greu cynllun EDI wedi'i deilwra a realistig ar gyfer eich clwb rygbi .
- Pwyllgor ac Arweinyddiaeth
- Arweinydd a Hyrwyddwr EDI
Cynnal Cyfarfod Pwyllgor Effeithiol
Cynhelir gan: dangos y cerdyn coch i hiliaeth Sport and Recreation Alliance
Gan gofrestru gyda'r sesiwn hon, bydd eich dealltwriaeth o drefnu a chynnal cyfarfod pwyllgor effeithiol yn datblygu.
- Pwyllgor ac Arweinyddiaeth
Clubhouse & Facility Projects - VAT Issues to Consider
Cynhelir gan: dangos y cerdyn coch i hiliaeth Centurion
Following on from the Introduction to VAT webinar, this session focuses on how VAT affects the finances available for your clubhouse facilities and projects in a range of different ways.
- Pwyllgor ac Arweinyddiaeth
- Finance Team
Recriwtio a chadw gwirfoddolwyr yn eich clwb
Cynhelir gan: dangos y cerdyn coch i hiliaeth Accelerate Sport, leading providers of sports-focused eLearning in the UK.
Dysgwch y camau gorau y gallwch eu cymryd i ddenu a chadw gwirfoddolwyr lleol yn eich clwb rygbi. Darganfyddwch pam mae pobl yn gwirfoddoli a sut gallwch chi greu cynllun gwirfoddoli sy'n cael ei ategu gan hyn. Ystyriwch sut y gallwch chi gymryd camau syml i sicrhau bod gwirfoddolwyr yn cael eu gwerthfawrogi.
- Pwyllgor ac Arweinyddiaeth
- Cydlynwyr gwirfoddolwyr
- Staff allgymorth
Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol i Glybiau
Hosted by: Media & Communications Specialist, Julie Kissick.
Dysgwch sut y gallwch gyfathrebu'n effeithlon â'ch cynulleidfa allweddol gan ddefnyddio amrywiaeth o sianeli cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Ystyriwch sut i ysgrifennu copi deniadol ar gyfer y sianeli hyn.
- Staff allgymorth
- Staff y Cyfryngau
LooseHeadz - An Introduction to Mental Health
Hosted by: LooseHeadz
Dysgwch sut y gallwch gyfathrebu'n effeithlon â'ch cynulleidfa allweddol gan ddefnyddio amrywiaeth o sianeli cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Ystyriwch sut i ysgrifennu copi deniadol ar gyfer y sianeli hyn.
- Everyone
- Chwaraewyr
- Hyfforddwyr
- Club Staff / Employees
Workplace Recycling - What You Need to Know
Hosted by: Wastesavers
Understand the new legislation for workplace recycling (source segregation) and why it is being implemented
- Club Staff / Employees Responsible for Recycling and Waste
Iechyd a Diogelwch yn eich Clwb
Cynhelir gan: dangos y cerdyn coch i hiliaeth Croner consult.
Pam fod Iechyd a Diogelwch mor bwysig a beth yw eich cyfrifoldebau o ran amgylchedd y Clwb Rygbi? Bydd y gweminar hwn yn ateb y cwestiynau hyn ac yn canolbwyntio ar sicrhau eich bod yn barod i fod yn gonglfaen eich cymuned leol yn ddiogel.
- Pwyllgor ac Arweinyddiaeth
- Cogyddion a gweithwyr y Gegin
- Events Coordinator
- Facility Manager