WRU Community Welfare with Lloyd Ashley
Cynhelir gan: dangos y cerdyn coch i hiliaeth Lloyd Ashley
The aim of this webinar is for attendees to understand the importance of looking after themselves mentally and physically. Living Well with Lloyd Ashley provides a wide range of mental health services that could be tailored to suit your club or team.
Perfect for:
- Pwyllgor
- Hyfforddwyr
- Rhieni
- First Aiders
- Safeguarding Officers
- First Aiders
- All Volunteers
Fill in the form below to access the recording.
We will follow up with all community clubs and send a copy of the presentation for information. The Dysgu WRU Webinar will remain accessible for the whole season to enable access to anyone who requires it.
You can contact Simon on - livingwell.lloydashley@outlook.comPresentation:
Wellbeing with LLoyd Ashley - ppt
1 file(s) 534.85 KB