Tuedd Anymwybodol

Mae'r Gweminar Tuedd Anymwybodol yn cael ei chynnal gan Accelerate Sport, mewn partneriaeth â Sy Joshua.

This webinar focuses on the following learning objectives:

  • Deall beth yw rhagfarn anymwybodol a sut y gallai fodoli yn eich clwb
  • Deall sut y gall hyn effeithio'n negyddol ar ddiwylliant eich clwb
  • Ystyriwch y gwahanol fathau o duedd sy'n bodoli a deall beth ydyn nhw
  • Byddwch yn hyderus i oresgyn eich rhagfarn chi a thuedd eraill
  • Dysgwch sut i herio rhagfarn yn eich Clwb
  • Ystyriwch pa elfennau o'r dysgu all gael eu cynnwys yng nghynllun EDI eich clwb
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About Sy Joshua

Sy has maintained a Masters Degree in Social Work, a Masters Degree in Management and a Batchelor Degree in Social Sciences. 

Sy’s value system is deeply rooted in discrimination and the struggle for equality. Sy is passionate about empowering individuals to navigate challenges and realise their aspirations and also recognises where organisations can make positive change in the areas of equity, belonging and community.